Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – Secrets don’t make friends, and they don’t lead to the start of a happy 2024 when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces early on Monday. You need to talk to someone but can’t find a moment to do so. Put it on hold until communication can go more smoothly.

Such as once Mercury moves forward in your subconscious zone later that same day. You’re starting the year not with a bang but with quiet acceptance. You’re ready to heal from the past and start anew, so focus on your New Year’s resolutions and figure out what you truly want to achieve mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Fortunately, you can step into your power once Mars enters your sign on Thursday, giving you several weeks of energy, drive, and stamina to help you achieve your dreams. You’ll have a lot of determination to experience new things. Nothing can intimidate you now, Capricorn.

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