Farq Episode-1 & 2 Review: Faysal Quraishi returns to screen this time with Sehar Khan

Story of the play seems quite typical.

7th Sky Entertainment comes up with its new production Farq, starring Faysal Quraishi and Sehar Khan in the lead roles at Geo Entertainment. Farq is penned by Imran Nazir and directed by Aehsun Talish. It is produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi. Farq cast also includes Adeel Chaudhry, Mehmood Aslam, Saba Shah, Sohail Sameer, and others.

The story of Farq revolves around Irsa (Sehar Khan) who studies at a university and she is maintaining a fake identity by lying to her classmates about her father and her status. Her father comes to pick her up in a very luxurious car and her friends think it is her car. Well in reality Irsa’s father (Mehmood Aslam) is a driver of Kamal (Faisal Qureshi) and he uses his car to pick his daughter up during his duty hours.

Kamal (Faisal Qureshi) is shown to be a kind-hearted person who is soft and treats his subordinates and poor very well. His wife (ZQ) died years ago but he is still besotted with his wife’s memories, he still celebrates his wedding anniversary, talks with her portraits, and also buys gifts for her. Kamal has a very spoiled brat kinda daughter Aizel (Saba Shah) who is by the way well cast and has quite an endearing screen presence.

Well, there is no newness no novelty in the story, it seems quite a typical one where a widowed man is pressurized to get married. This time once again Faisal Qureshi is going to marry someone much younger than him which of course will be Irsa, the daughter of his chauffeur and Aizel will surely hate her. It seems like it’s going to be a story of stepmother and daughter rivalry or something more or less. So we just need to find it out. Right now interesting buildup is typical but engaging.

It is shown that Kamal is being pressurized by his phupho for remarrying. Aizel hates this idea. Well how come Kamal falls for Irsa will going to be an interesting storyline. We have seen that there is also another woman (Jaweria Abbasi) who is eyeing Kamal, she is a divorcee sister of Kamal’s best friend (Sohail Sameer). Kamal right now is averse to the idea of remarrying. He is happy living in the world of memories of his late wife and he does not want to hurt his daughter. The episode ends when Irsa’s friend is demanding her to show her house. Wondering what is Sehar going to do? how will she cover up her fake identity?

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