Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Oct 10, 2022 – Oct 16, 2022 – You’re ready to enjoy fall in all its spooky glory this week when Mercury enters Libra on Monday, moving into your pleasure zone. This is a great time to plan your Halloween costume, paint pumpkins or just enjoy the magic of autumn. Whatever you do, Gemini, just have fun!
However, while you’re feeling extra creative, you’d better watch what you say when Mars in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. Shooting off your mouth without thinking could really hurt your reputation. While you have a lot of passion, you need to put some polish on it.
It’s also a rough week for friendships when Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries on Wednesday. You might have a hard time networking because no one seems to get you right now. Try to be positive. You’ll find the people who will allow you to express yourself freely.