Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Nov 7, 2022 – Nov 13, 2022 – Yikes, Gemini! Your emotional life could be in shambles if you lose your sense of security during the lunar eclipse in your subconscious zone on Tuesday. This is a time of healing as you leave your safe space for something new and uncertain. Breakups are possible.

Especially because you’ll feel like you’re talking to a wall when Mercury in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. You have the impossible task of trying to get a stubborn person to change their mind. Don’t waste your breath. Find another way to go about this.

Fortunately, your week ends on an ambitious note when Mercury trines Neptune in Pisces on Saturday, making you extra productive as you use your brilliant ideas to get noticed by all the right people. Use your intuition to strike the best deal. You might even land your dream job.

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