Gemini Weekly Horoscope

May 8, 2023 – May 14, 2023 – You are on your own when the sun conjoins Uranus in your privacy zone on Tuesday. This aspect gives you the opportunity to connect with yourself away from the crowd. Embracing your independence will get you on the road to healing and self-acceptance.
Continue to keep things close to the vest, especially at work, when Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces on Friday. Knowing a secret or two can help you go far. You don’t have to give your best tips away for free, Gemini.
After a difficult retrograde, you’re doing damage control when Mercury moves forward in your healing zone on Sunday. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll learn how to accept the things you can’t change and make peace with yourself. Allow yourself time to heal in private before fully moving forward. You need to collect your thoughts.