Gemini Weekly Horoscope

May 15, 2023 – May 21, 2023 – This week brings a spiritual awakening when Jupiter enters Taurus on Tuesday, moving into your subconscious zone. Through the rest of the year you’ll be tasked with getting rid of deep fears and patterns that no longer serve you. Focus on healing from the pain of your past so you can receive your karmic rewards.
Start by recharging your emotional batteries during the new moon in Taurus on Friday. This is a great day to focus on your mind, body, and spirit and how to connect all of them together. Find comfort in solitude by meditating or journaling your feelings.
Especially since you’ll have a lot to say when Mars enters Leo on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. This is a great time to put your passionate ideas out there, Gemini. They could receive a lot of attention. Just don’t give away your secrets.