Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Jul 24, 2023 – Jul 30, 2023 – After the drama of last week, this is a great time to have a real conversation to get everything out in the open when Mercury conjoins Venus on Thursday. Put your passions aside and speak calmly to get your point across. Clearing the air can make things go smoothly.

Especially since you’ll spend the rest of summer becoming the family problem solver once Mercury enters Virgo and your family zone on Friday. While you’re happy to help, don’t let family drama bring you down. You can give advice, Gemini but you can’t make them take it.

Keep the lines of communication open when the moon in Sagittarius trines Venus on Saturday. Talk about your relationships and sort out any problems you’re having. This is a great time to analyze contracts and see if a partnership is truly right for you.

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