Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Aug 7, 2023 – Aug 13, 2023 – You have a strong need for some alone time when Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. Your partner might want to monopolize all of your time when you just want to be by yourself. Try to balance “me” time with “we” time or you could hurt their feelings.

In fact, you might need some time at home when Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus later on Wednesday. Your family can help you boost your confidence and give you a shoulder to cry on as you figure out how to move forward.

Fortunately, you’re feeling chatty when the sun conjoins Venus in your communication zone on Sunday. This is a great day to get together with friends and loved ones as you talk about everything under the sun. Establish a brain trust to help you take over the world.

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