Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Aug 28, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023 – You’re starting the week feeling a little distant from loved ones when the moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo on Tuesday. Remember to talk things out to bridge the divide and get back on the same page again.

And you’re ending August with a round of applause during the full moon in Pisces and your career zone on Wednesday. The last six months weren’t easy, but you’ll finally be honored for all your hard work. There’s a strong possibility of hitting one of your goals and feeling a huge sense of achievement. Take a bow and keep going, Gemini!

The new month finally lifts the gag order off your relationships when Venus moves forward in your communication zone on Sunday. You’re finally able to speak up and see relationships logically without the burning drama. This is a good time to take a trip to get everything sorted out again within yourself and in your relationships.

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