Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Sep 25, 2023 – Oct 1, 2023 – After weeks of family feuds, you’re ready to clear the air when Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus on Monday. This is a great time to sit down and resolve any issues that are still causing you pain, especially from childhood, so you can move on. Allow the wounds to heal.

Fortunately, this week is auspicious for your social life during the Aries full moon on Friday. With the moon in your social zone, you’re ready to hang out with friends and enjoy the season with fun fall activities. The wishes you made in the spring might come true, so expect the unexpected.

End September setting some boundaries when Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus on Saturday. While you might be sharing a space with someone, you still need privacy. Talk it out in an understanding, practical way and you’ll get the space you need, Gemini.

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