Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Oct 2, 2023 – Oct 8, 2023 – You’re starting October with some family feuds when Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on Monday. Your family might be meddling with your goals and ambitions. Get them out of your business so you can live your own life. These conversations will be difficult, Gemini, but they’ll set you free.

The spooky season brings out your creative side as Mercury enters Libra and your pleasure zone on Wednesday. This is a great time to plan some Halloween fun, do crafts, and go on some autumn-themed dates as you and your loved ones celebrate the season.

After several busy months, you’re craving the comforts of home when Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your home zone. Get your house ready for Halloween with some spooky décor, but be careful not to be so hyper-focused on creating the “perfect” home that you miss out on true happiness.

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