Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Oct 16, 2023 – Oct 22, 2023 – After a long summer of playing the field, consider settling down and committing to your partner when Juno enters Virgo on Tuesday. As their heart starts to feel more like home, don’t make it a haunted house by trying to make everything perfect. Just let it be, Gemini.

Self-expression can lead to major pleasure when the sun conjoins Mercury in your creativity zone on Thursday. Whether you’re discovering a new hobby, expressing yourself through art, or flirting with a lover, allow yourself to enjoy life and brainstorm ways to have spooky fun.

Work smarter, not harder over the next two weeks when Mercury enters Scorpio and your productivity zone on Sunday. During this transit, you’ll be more strategic about how to get things done. Focus on improving yourself so you can have an edge over your competition. However, don’t let your thoughts drift to paranoia.

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