Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Have you been so busy that you never find time to take care of a pressing, yet easily procrastinated, matter—namely, YOU?! If you keep slipping farther and farther down your own priority list, the cosmos has the perfect event queued up for you on Monday, December 4. Self-care maven Venus beams into Scorpio and your sixth house of health and fitness, service and organization until December 29. This short but activating cycle serves as your annual reminder that it’s up to you to put your mind-body (and spiritual) needs first. A booked-out holiday season will go to waste if you don’t have the energy and inner balance to carry on a meaningful conversation. You don’t have to put the kibosh on your entire social life, Gemini. See what events you can skip out on, and then make good use of those slots by booking some bodywork and energy-healing sessions, catching up on overdue medical appointments and getting Casa de Twins holiday-ready. Having your home life and vitality in order will put you in the right spirits for the party circuit AND boost your immune system before cold-and-flu season hits. It all starts with diet—since you are what you eat—so replace the empty calories with lean protein and as much fresh produce as you can fit on a plate. Do your best to limit your intake of alcohol, caffeine and sugar and hydrate with more clean water. To round out your holiday health kick, try climbing into bed a little earlier. With Venus forming a harmonious trine to structured Saturn on Tuesday—compounded by a balancing quarter moon in cerebral Virgo—you could find a savvy new way to achieve work-life balance. Surprise! It might mean working more closely and effectively with a major influencer!

If your professional life has felt like a game of hide and seek, get ready for some exciting news. On Wednesday, obfuscating Neptune ends a five-month retrograde in Pisces that’s been causing havoc in your career-oriented tenth house. Ever since June 30, one roadblock and speed bump after another has impeded your progress, and to say it’s been frustrating is a sorry understatement! If you HAVE been making advances, at what price? The “cost” of success shouldn’t include making endless sacrifices or diluting your message. But the minute Neptune straightens out on Hump Day, you can take inventory of your P’s and L’s and assess a path forward that genuinely motivates you. If you realize you’ll need to pivot, take your time and entertain ALL offers. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for opportunities to arrive out of thin air. As the Neptunian fog lifts, a leadership role could appear. The best preparation is being clear about your goals—and deal breakers—and being ready to pounce at a moment’s notice!

You may need to set—or do a better job at enforcing—your personal boundaries on Sunday, when a challenging angle from expansive Jupiter causes compassionate Venus in your service sector to lose her footing. There’s a delicate balance between being there for your people and getting roped into far more handholding than you have time or patience for. Has someone been taking advantage of your generous nature lately and stirring up quiet resentment in you? Before you blow up and overreact, own your role in this. Then take the high road and break a co-dependent attachment by helping this person become more self-sufficient. You might feel selfish in the moment, but stay focused on your ultimate goal: Empowering, as opposed to enabling, them.

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