Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – The new year might begin with some tension when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces early on Monday. You could have a difficult time separating your personal life from your professional one. It isn’t a great time to go into business with loved ones. It could get messy.

Fortunately, the new year breathes life into your relationships with a little communication once Mercury moves forward in your partnership zone later that day. You’re finally out of the rockiness of last year and can move forward with a clean slate. Talk things out and clear the air.

Especially since big changes are coming your way once Mars enters Capricorn and your transformation zone on Thursday. You’ll be driven to put all your energy into transforming every aspect of your life for the next several weeks. Get rid of everything that isn’t serving you, Gemini. You don’t need it any longer.

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