Hydrocarbon deposits discovered by Mari Petroleum in Daharki, Sindh

The Shawal-l well in Mari Development & Production Lease (D&PL) produced the fresh discovery, which the exploration company reported to the stock exchange on Monday.

The petition states that the 1,136-meter-deep Shawal-l well was successfully drilled down to on January 27, 2024.

1,040 barrels of crude oil and 2.5 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of associated gas were produced by the well during testing, with a wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 953 pounds per square inch (Psi) at a 32/64 inch choke size.

Despite Mari D&PL producing gas since 1967, this is the company’s first oil discovery.

The finding, according to the MPCL MD, is a noteworthy accomplishment for the company’s engineers and geoscientists.

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