Leo Weekly Horoscope

Mar 20, 2023 – Mar 26, 2023 – Happy spring, Leo! You’re spending the new season doing plenty of traveling when the sun and new moon enter Aries and your expansion zone on Monday and Tuesday. This is a great time to embrace adventures, discoveries, and leaving your comfort zone far behind you.
However, as you go on your jet-set escapades, keep a close eye on your important relationships when Pluto enters Aquarius and your partnership zone on Thursday. The next couple of months will tell you who’s going to be an important part of your world. Relationships will change and transform as you easily find lovers and rivals.
After several months of being social, put that passion and drive toward your own healing when Mars enters Cancer and your healing zone on Saturday. Practice self-acceptance as you nurse your wounds in private. You might have to make some sacrifices for your highest good.