Leo Weekly Horoscope

Jun 26, 2023 – Jul 2, 2023 – You’re ending the month on a melancholic note when Mercury enters Cancer and your subconscious zone on Monday. For the next two weeks you’ll feel nostalgic about the past and think about the coulda, woulda, shoulda in your life and the dreams you had. This can be an emotional period, so learn to accept these feelings or they’ll be your undoing.

Get in touch with your emotions when the sun forms a conjunction with Mercury in your subconscious zone on Friday. Acknowledge and try to understand the big feelings that are bubbling up to the surface today. Honor those feelings by journaling, doing art therapy, or practicing positive affirmations.

Yikes, Leo! Sunday is not a great day for work/life balance when Venus in your sign squares Uranus in Taurus. You’ll need to set boundaries and balance “me” time with “we” time to achieve your dreams.

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