Leo Weekly Horoscope

Aug 7, 2023 – Aug 13, 2023 – You could be having a hard time with your partnerships when Venus in your sign squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. You’re used to taking the lead on almost everything, and you don’t want to be tied down in a partnership—in any form. However, don’t be too stubborn or it could backfire.

Focus on collaborating when Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus later on Wednesday. Even just pitching yourself can help solidify your career ambitions and maybe even give you a boost. Don’t be afraid to make connections, Leo!

Fortunately, you’ll be feeling yourself by the end of the week when the sun conjoins Venus in your sign on Sunday. You’re ready to make a great first impression, so this is an ideal day to meet new people, go on dates, and challenge yourself. This could be the start of something good.

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