Leo Weekly Horoscope

Oct 9, 2023 – Oct 15, 2023 – While you might be physically with someone, you might not be able to connect with them on an intimate level when Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces on Monday. If you’re unable to advance your relationship to something serious, consider letting go to find what’s meant for you.

However, you’ll be feeling like a homebody when Mars enters Scorpio on Wednesday, moving into your home zone. As you get your space ready for Halloween, remember to take care of your loved ones as well. It’s a good time to move in with someone and share resources. Sharing is caring!

You’re ending the week on a chatty note during the solar eclipse in your communication zone on Saturday. You’ll be extra busy running errands, learning new things, and chatting. Just don’t get distracted, Leo, or you could lose focus by gossiping with friends about friends.

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