Leo Weekly Horoscope

Oct 16, 2023 – Oct 22, 2023 – You’re looking for a love that makes you feel safe and secure when Juno enters Virgo on Tuesday, moving into your value zone. Especially if you’re feeling more anxious than usual. Look for people who use words of affirmation to build you up. However, don’t use that for an ego boost.

Your words hold a lot of power when the sun conjoins Mercury in your communication zone on Thursday. So use them well, Leo, because you’ll be able to bewitch anyone with just one word. This is a good day to form bonds, do some schmoozing, and brainstorm exciting projects.

However, your mind is sticking closer to home once Mercury enters Scorpio and your home zone on Saturday. You’ll be using your intuition to make important decisions over the next couple of weeks. It’s also a great time to get closer to your family and learn some deep, dark secrets.

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