Leo Weekly Horoscope

Nov 27, 2023 – Dec 3, 2023 – You’re ending November on a social note during the Gemini full moon in your friendship zone on Monday. Enjoy spending quality time with your friends and making new ones at the holiday parties. Wishes really do come true, Leo, as what you wanted in the spring finally becomes real.

We only have a few weeks left of 2023, so get your life together when Mercury enters Capricorn and your productivity zone on Friday. This is the time for practical thinking as you work with others to get things done. Use self-discipline to develop better habits for next year.

However, you might have a hard time getting along with your coworkers when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. You just can’t seem to get on the same page. All this fighting and group chat chaos can make it hard to be productive.

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