Libra Weekly Horoscope

Sep 4, 2023 – Sep 10, 2023 – Allow yourself to get intimate over the next few months after Jupiter goes retrograde in your transformation zone on Monday. During this time, you’ll be encouraged to let down your guard and get deeper with your loved ones. Don’t stubbornly cling to the past. Be brave and walk into the darkness, Libra, because that’s where you’ll find yourself.

Continue to do some self-reflection when the sun conjoins Mercury in your subconscious zone on Wednesday. Spend some time alone with your thoughts as you learn to accept the things you can’t change and how to make your life better, not worse.

The biggest changes can come from looking within when the sun trines Jupiter on Friday. This a great day for spiritual changes that can transform your life for the better. Look into yourself to unlock your power and grow as a person.

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