Libra Weekly Horoscope

Sep 11, 2023 – Sep 17, 2023 – The next several weeks are the time to step into leadership roles once Pallas enters your sign on Wednesday, because you can truly talk the talk and walk the walk. This is a great time to stand up for what you believe in and take the first steps toward the person you want to become.

After a long summer, it’s time to review and let go of things that are no longer serving you during the new moon in Virgo and your subconscious zone on Thursday. Use this period to recharge your batteries as you prep for your season. Soul-searching can lead to some big breakthroughs.

After a stressful retrograde, you’re ready to do some private healing when Mercury moves forward in your subconscious zone on Friday. While you might not feel as chatty as usual, Libra, you’ll be doing some internal monologuing as you figure out your next step.

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