Libra Weekly Horoscope

Oct 23, 2023 – Oct 29, 2023 – It’s time to get your finances in order before the end of the year once the sun enters Scorpio and your value zone on Monday. This is a great time to pay off any debts and solve financial problems that have been haunting you. Get serious about investments for a brighter future.

Especially since you might be sharing money and other resources during the lunar eclipse in your shared finances zone on Saturday. This is a great time to work out any financial issues you might have with another person, from getting money that someone owes you to moving in together, get what’s yours.

Brainstorm additional ways to make money when Mercury conjoins Mars in your value zone on Sunday. Consider looking into some side hustles or seasonal gigs that can help you generate some cash. Remember your value, Libra, and don’t settle for anything less.

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