Libra Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – The year 2024 begins with a bang, though not the kind you want, when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces early on Monday. You might find yourself in conflict with people and going around in circles. Table these discussions until later when people will be more open-minded.

Especially since communication gets much smoother once Mercury moves forward in your communication zone later that day. No longer feeling tongue-tied, you can finally say what you need to say. Use this time to write out your resolutions and dream big.

However, you might be feeling a little nostalgic when Mars enters Capricorn and your home zone on Thursday. In the dead of winter, you yearn for the comfort and peace of home. Over the next several weeks, focus on putting down roots and creating a steady foundation for yourself to grow on. Focus on building solid bonds with your loved ones, Libra.

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