Libra Weekly Horoscope

Jan 15, 2024 – Jan 21, 2024 – Yikes! There’s a strong possibility that you’ll catch someone in a lie when Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Everyone seems a little shadier than usual. Try not to let paranoia get the better of you, but don’t be taken for a fool.

Fortunately, the weekend brings good vibes when the sun enters Aquarius and your pleasure zone on Saturday. Intellectual stimulation brings extra pleasure and creativity. This is a great time to hang out with friends, plan dates, and go to parties. Have fun!

However, you might need to rethink your definition of pleasure once Pluto enters your creativity zone on Saturday. The next decade could bring some unexpected drama as you try to navigate your romantic and artistic lives, creating major changes. This could be a very rebellious era for you, Libra, but don’t let passion burn your life to ash.

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