Meetings with the PTI founder in Adiala Jail are prohibited by the Punjab Home Department.

According to authorities in the Punjab home department, the prohibition has been in place for two weeks, and media coverage in front of Adiala Jail’s gate number five is also forbidden.

The security guard instructed the media teams to keep two kilometers away from Adiala prison and said that media coverage is prohibited.

It should be mentioned that, per court orders, the Adiala Jail administration set aside Tuesday and Thursday for talks with the PTI founder; however, the sessions have now been suspended for a period of two weeks.

Three terrorists carrying explosives and the jail plan were apprehended last week after the Punjab Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and police together stopped an attempt to storm the Adiala jail.

In a coordinated operation, police and CTD troops apprehended three terrorists in possession of sophisticated weaponry, including explosives, an improvised explosive device (IED), and a jail plan, according to City Police Officer (CPO) Syed Khalid Hamdani.

According to him, police enforcement carried out IBO after learning that there were terrorists in the neighborhood.

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