Pinjra Episode-24 Review: Abhaan wants a virtual family where no one compares him

Arsalan helps in saving Dua’s life

ARY Digital’s drama serial Pinjra is 24 episodes down. The story seems unnecessarily dragged it should have concluded by now. The focus of this episode is less on Abhaan and more on Dua. Performances are all on point. In the previous episode, we watched Abhaan eventually meet his music counsellor. In this episode, it is shown that Abhaan opens up in his counselling session.

Azaan and Kahdija meet Adeel and this time Khadija is being cordial with Adeel. Adeel is also being quite frank with Khadija calling Javaid an angry bird. He is telling Khadija that Abhaan is really good at music. Adeel through Azaan gets to know that his father always discourages him from playing the guitar. This scene gives us hope that Abhaan and Khadija both might revive their lost passion for music.

We see Dua getting more and more upset and eventually ends up collapsing on her room floor. Fardaan has really panicked as Wajiha and Khadija both are not at home and their car is not starting. Abeer advised Fardaan to call Arsalan as he is the nearest help they can get. Arsalan helps in taking Dua to the hospital and he also clears bills too. Fardaan is really grateful to him.

Wajiha is also grateful but she cannot express her gratitude to him. She is at her daughter’s side and she still fears that her mother will leave her or someone going to take away her mother from her. Wajiha is really disturbed to see Dua like that. Fardaan seems to be still unaware of this situation. I am wondering will his reaction be as strong as Dua’s. Fardaan is wondering what happened with her sister. Khadija is convincing Wajiha to at least say thanks to Arsalan as he has done what Dua’s real father cannot do. Wajiha is in a big dilemma on the one hand he gets her Mr right and on the other hand, are her children.

Abhaan in the next counselling session opens up with Adeel. Abhaan chooses a lonely picture and there he shares his views about his family with tears rolling down his cheeks. Abhaan expresses his longing to have an imaginary or virtual family where there is no one to compare him or judge him, where no one beats him for scoring less in exams, where no one stops him from playing the guitar, and where no one belittles him while comparing with his elder brother. Abhaan’s words are an eye-opener for many parents who are raising their young kids. Are you providing your child with an ideal family?

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