Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Sep 4, 2023 – Sep 10, 2023 – Spend the next few months becoming more mindful of your words after Jupiter goes retrograde in your communication zone on Monday. Speak carefully about how you feel and what you truly want. Speak your truth on issues of great importance, Pisces, not just petty inconveniences.

Get on the same page with your partner when the sun conjoins Mercury in your partnership zone on Wednesday. Whether you’re hammering out the details of a contract or having the “what are we” talk, this is a great time to put everything on the table for discussion.

Especially since two heads are better than one when it comes to problem-solving on Friday. The sun trines Jupiter, making it a great day to come together and brainstorm solutions that can make life better. Learn to communicate as a team to help you overcome any challenge. Good luck!

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