Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Oct 23, 2023 – Oct 29, 2023 – It’s time to expand your horizons and explore all the possibilities when the sun enters Scorpio and your expansion zone on Monday. If you want something, go get it! From going back to school to taking a trip, go after your desires. Don’t let stubbornness stop you from getting what you deserve, Pisces.

Your personal philosophy is “healing” as you grow into the person you need to be when the sun trines Saturn in your sign on Tuesday. Keep an open mind and go with the flow to develop a stronger sense of self.

Even though it’s almost Halloween, you have a lot to do before November starts. So get started on that errand list during the lunar eclipse in your communication zone on Saturday. It’s time to check some things off your to-do list, especially if you’re feeling behind on just about everything. Take your time.

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