Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Jun 27, 2022 – Jul 3, 2022 – Start the week on a very pleasurable note when the new moon is in Cancer and your creative zone on Tuesday. This is a great time to get into your feelings and express yourself through your creative passion. From doing art therapy to starting a new project to redecorating your space, you’ll feel connected to your emotions through art.
Finding creative forms of self-expression will help you figure out your identity when Neptune goes into retrograde in your sign on Tuesday. Over the next few months, you might view yourself in a harsher light. Just remember to be kind to yourself during your identity crisis, Pisces.
However, it might not be easy because family drama could affect your self-esteem when Mercury in Gemini forms a square with Neptune on Saturday. You have big dreams, but your family keeps tearing you down. Ignore the haters and keep going.