Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Nov 20, 2023 – Nov 26, 2023 – While the new year doesn’t begin for several more weeks, you’re ready to jump-start your resolutions when the sun enters Sagittarius and your career zone on Wednesday. You have plenty of ambition and goals you want to achieve. Focus on your reputation to get noticed by the right people.

Put all your energy and passion into your goals when Mars enters your career zone on Friday. What do you want to be remembered for, Pisces? This is a great time to expand your career horizons by signing up for classes, applying for jobs, starting a business, and even relocating. Keep climbing.

This is also a good time to update your resumes, cover letters, and social media profiles as Ceres enters your public image zone on Saturday. Your reputation is everything right now, so make sure to get it in shape so you can shine.

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