Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Going somewhere, Pisces? That would be clever timing on your part since auspicious Venus jets into Scorpio and your footloose ninth house on Monday, December 4, until December 29. True, Scorpio energy can intensify your emotions, but in your expansive ninth house, Venus is cavorting on a very long leash! Single Fish will have plenty of options, but you may not be interested in taking yourself off the market just yet. If you can lose your fixation on a particular goal, it’ll be much easier to enjoy whoever washes up onto your shores. After you’ve gotten to know each other (and your mutual partner preferences), you’ll have ample time to make any decisions. The candid ninth house prompts you to speak in a more authentic and vulnerable way than you’re used to. And THAT can inspire others to do the same in kind. Couples should strip away the filters and be open about things that have been only shared partially. That will set you on the fast track to deep and bonded love. Since the ninth house also rules travel and adventure, wanderlust could strike at any minute over the next three and a half weeks, with Venus highlighting the “lust” in the equation. Even a quick getaway (alone or with a sexy travel companion) will hit reset on your libido whether you’re single or spoken forTake your desires seriously on Tuesday, when sensual Venus catches a supportive beam from commitment-minded Saturn in your signAND from a balancing quarter moon in Virgo. In tandem, these transits can jump-start this exciting cycle. Be clear about where your boundaries lie, but don’t be so mysterious that people misread your cues.

If you’ve been struggling to find your center and stay connected over the past five months, you only have to hang on until Wednesday. That’s the day your celestial custodian Neptune wraps up a frustrating five-month retrograde in Pisces, clearing the path to your loftiest personal goals. Don’t panic if you suddenly feel “exposed.” Wasn’t that the point (or your secret hope) for all that behind-the-scenes work you’ve been toiling away at since June 30? If you’re not ready for your big reveal, hustle to apply any finishing touches and then launch your best pitch (or presentation). It might take a minute for your highest hopes and dreams to come into sharp focus, but once they do, you’ll quickly build momentum. And then you might receive the most heartwarming fringe benefit imaginable: Your story could inspire others to keep seeking the light at the end of THEIR tunnel.

At the other end of the spectrum: If you’ve been racing ahead like a Formula One driver, Saturday’s skies may give you a citation, and will certainly serve as a reminder that there’s a reason for speed limits—and for filters! Exuberant Venus in your boundary-challenged ninth house swings into an opposition with truth-telling Jupiter in your third house of communication. Just “speaking your mind” or “getting something off your chest” could have the unintended effect of hurting someone, breaking a confidence or burning a bridge, none of which is good for your relationship. Worse: Something could get leaked to precisely the wrong ears, and your tea-spilling could come back to burn you. Be honest and responsive, but stop (far) short of being a busybody or crossing into TMI territory. Better to keep your story short and sweet and leave ’em wanting more than to upset or shock your no-longer-rapt audience.

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