Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Jan 1, 2024 – Jan 7, 2024 – Do yourself a favor and put your phone on silent when Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in your sign early on Monday. Better yet, put it on airplane mode, because your job is already calling and asking you to come in. While you might be tempted to boost your rep, stay true to your boundaries.

You are starting 2024 on an ambitious note once Mercury moves forward in your career zone later that day. You finally know what you want when it comes to your career, so go over your resolutions and come up with some big goals for yourself.

Enter the new year by doing some serious networking when Mars enters Capricorn and your social zone on Thursday. You’ll be making connections to help you achieve your dreams for the next several weeks. Don’t be afraid to make a wish, Pisces, because it’s easy for windfalls to happen now.

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