The PPP demands that trolls who target female journalists be denounced.

Kundi praised the global significance of journalists in his remarks on Press Freedom Day. Reporters from all throughout the world have given their lives in sacrifice. According to him, the majority of journalists who died in Gaza while carrying out their jobs.

He stated unequivocally that freedom of the press and expression were important to his party. According to Kundi, “the law the Sindh government passed for the protection of journalists is wonderful.”

In relation to journalists’ rights, “the federal coalition government is also taking serious steps,” he continued.

According to Kundi, it is extremely improper to threaten journalists for voicing criticism.

In highlighting the necessity of doing responsible journalism, Kundi stated: “In the current environment, it is crucial to practice both responsible and independent journalism.” The nation and one’s profession are insulted when responsible journalism is undermined.

He emphasized that the nation has environmental concerns. “We have to admit that Pakistan’s issues have gotten worse due to climate change. Kundi suggested that journalists educate the public about the problems caused by climate change as well as potential remedies.

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