Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

May 30, 2022 – Jun 5, 2022 – You might meet your match this week when the new moon is in Gemini on Monday. With the moon in your partnership zone, this is an ideal time to start a new relationship, flirt with someone cute, ask someone out, or express your inner feelings. Use your words to start something new, Sagittarius.
Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your habit zone on Friday. With this planet finally moving forward again, you can now get your life back in order and start new and better habits. Get back to work, because you’ll be feeling more productive and focused. Start by working on everything you’ve been neglecting.
Even though the retrograde is over, you should still choose your words carefully over the next few months after Saturn goes retrograde in your communication zone on Saturday. You need to start editing your thoughts instead of just blurting them out. You could hurt someone’s feelings.