Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Jan 23, 2023 – Jan 29, 2023 – Do some brainstorming when the sun in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Tuesday. This aspect can make you extra creative and quick on your feet with clever ideas. Say whatever is on your mind, Sagittarius. You’ll be pleased.
End the month on a wishful note when Venus enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your home zone. As you feel the cold chill of winter, it might be time to find an emotional foundation. This is a great time to look for a home, do some decorating, or spend more time with the people you call family.
Continue communicating when the sun trines Mars in Gemini on Sunday. This is a great time to clear the air and talk things out to create stronger bonds in your relationships. A meeting of the minds can lead to your next partner in crime.