Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Jul 3, 2023 – Jul 9, 2023 – July begins with a lesson in give and take during the Capricorn full moon on Monday, moving into your value zone. You’re a very generous person, but being too kind to chronic users won’t pay off in the long run. See if the budget you set over the winter is working, and remember to invest in yourself.

Trust your intuition when Mercury in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. It could lead to a productive day if you just trust your gut. Don’t be afraid to change your routine if you feel you need to.

End the week by focusing on your reputation when Pallas enters Virgo on Sunday, moving into your public image zone. Over the next several weeks you’ll be steered toward the spotlight because everything you do will be under the microscope. Remember to give yourself some grace as you shine, Sagittarius.

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