Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Aug 28, 2023 – Sep 3, 2023 – Your heart and mind are in a battle for domination when the moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo on Tuesday. You want to view emotions and relationships from a logical point of view. However, sometimes you have to get a little messy for big feelings to grow.

After a hectic summer, it’s time to check in on your home life during the full moon in Pisces and your family zone on Wednesday. This is a great time to look at the seeds you planted in spring and see how far you’ve come. What roots have developed during this time, Sagittarius?

After a whole summer grounded in one way or another, you’re finally ready for takeoff when Venus moves forward in your expansion zone on Sunday. While it may be the end of summer, this is still a wonderful time for adventures, new discoveries, and even falling in love.

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