Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Dec 11, 2023 – Dec 17, 2023 – As we reach the end of the year, you’re given the opportunity to reinvent yourself during the full moon in your sign on Tuesday. Show off your true self with a new look as you take the holiday season by storm with confidence and energy. Walk in your truth this lunar cycle, Sagittarius.

However, it won’t be easy when Mercury goes into retrograde in your value zone on Tuesday. The height of shopping season might include some money stress if paychecks are delayed or unexpected bills eat away at your savings. It’s time to brainstorm ways to make some holiday cash.

The weekend doesn’t get any easier when the sun in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces on Saturday. You’ll have a hard time celebrating if family drama kills your buzz. Try to look for the good in everyone instead of seeking the bad.

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