Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Aug 1, 2022 – Aug 7, 2022 – Do relationships your way when Mars conjoins Uranus in your partnership zone on Monday. You need to decide if you should stay or go. This can be a day of conflict as you try to assert your originality in your relationships. Find your balance and keep things flexible, whatever that means for you and your partner.
Once you redefine your relationship outside traditional labels, love can truly begin when Venus in Cancer sextiles Mars on Tuesday. By expanding your relationship, you could feel a new wave of passion. Try something new today, Scorpio, even if it’s just an activity you can share.
Then think about your fellow human beings on Wednesday when Mercury enters Virgo, moving into your humanitarian zone. Over the next two weeks, you might be involved in community activities from doing volunteer work to organizing for social justice causes online.