Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Aug 15, 2022 – Aug 21, 2022 – Your work life goes smoothly when Venus in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries on Thursday. Your professional relationships will increase your productivity and help you improve your habits as you work toward your goals.
Life is about to get very intense for the rest of year in both good ways and bad when Mars enters Gemini on Saturday. Mars will be in your transformation zone, bringing some major changes to your life. While it’s easy to form strong bonds with loved ones, Scorpio, don’t hold too tightly to anyone.
You’ll also have to deal with boundary issues when it comes to your family life as retrograde Vesta moves into your home zone on Sunday. For the next few weeks, you’ll need to balance your family’s wants with your needs if you ever want peace. While you love your family, Scorpio, don’t let them walk all over you.