Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Aug 22, 2022 – Aug 28, 2022 – It’s a great time to get social and soak in the last of summer when the sun enters Virgo on Monday, moving into your social zone. Your calendar is about to get filled with events, plans and even some volunteer work. Just make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself. You’ll need some “me” time too.
Especially when Mercury enters Libra on Thursday, moving into your subconscious zone. All your thoughts turn inward as you try to find a balance between your public and private personae. Don’t let people know your true feelings or they could be used against you later.
End the week by earning some good karma points during the new moon in Virgo on Saturday. This is an ideal day to help others through humanitarian efforts and find out what you can do to make your community better. Acts of service can make a difference during this lunar cycle.