Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Dec 26, 2022 – Jan 1, 2023 – The year 2022 ends this week, which means you have one more shot at having some fun when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. This is a great day to go to a concert, chat with neighbors, or work on a creative project with friends to express your talents.
However, just be careful about what you say because it could ruffle a few feathers when Mercury goes into retrograde in your communication zone on Thursday. The next couple of weeks could be filled with miscommunication. This retrograde can make you give away too much, and you might lose your mysterious aura. Choose your words with care, Scorpio.
Even with the retrograde, it’s important to speak your mind when Venus conjoins Pluto in your communication zone on Saturday. Words can transform your relationship and your life, so say your piece before the clock strikes midnight.