Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Feb 6, 2023 – Feb 12, 2023 – It’s time to get serious about your health when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your health zone. Over the next couple of weeks you can dedicate yourself to improving every aspect of your life. Focusing on self-discipline now can lead to big rewards later.

Speaking your truth can be your greatest asset when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your communication zone on Friday. This is a great day to speak up in meetings, form relationships, and even do some manifesting. Words give you the power to unlock doors, Scorpio.

The holiday season is over, but you’ll still be thinking about family matters when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your home zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll need to think about domestic affairs in a new light, including creating your own traditions or finding your support system. How can you make home a happier place?

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