Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Aug 7, 2023 – Aug 13, 2023 – The line between professional and personal gets blurred when Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday, making things very messy. You want to get ahead in your career, but at what cost? Try to keep these realms separate or you could regret it. Trust us on this, Scorpio.
Connect with your friends and loved ones when Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus later on Wednesday. Whether you’re getting coffee, sending a “good morning” text, or DMing funny memes, it’s important to keep these connections open, online or off. Remember to reach out.
End the week by boosting your public image when the sun conjoins Venus in your reputation zone on Sunday. You’re more than ready to build social connections that can help boost your reputation and achieve some status. Look and act like the boss today and you’ll go far.