Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Sep 11, 2023 – Sep 17, 2023 – Find your inner strength over the next several weeks after Pallas enters Libra and your subconscious zone on Wednesday. You might have to make some sacrifices for your greater good. Focus on healing through your creative talents, and be ready to end relationships to move forward.

Fortunately, you’ll be having some fun when the new moon is in Virgo and your social zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time to make new friends as well as some wishes. They might come true with some hard work. Enjoy some fall activities and make some memories.

Technology is finally working in your favor when Mercury moves forward in your tech zone on Friday. This is an opportune time to finally upgrade your electronics and make sure your messages are sent. Heal any drama in your group chats by clearing the air. Don’t be afraid to block a few numbers if things get messy, Scorpio.

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