Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Oct 16, 2023 – Oct 22, 2023 – Shared humanitarian interests can really bring you to some important relationships when Juno enters Virgo and your social zone on Tuesday. You can develop a deeper connection with your loved ones through your devotion to social justice or campaign for change. Love your community, Scorpio. The connections you make will help make your life so much better.

The next couple of weeks will bring a major confidence boost once Mercury enters your sign on Sunday. Your words hold extra power right now, so use them to create new opportunities for yourself and enchant anyone for power and pleasure. Use your mysterious aura to your advantage. Enjoy!

End the week on an expressive note when Mercury trines Saturn in Pisces on Sunday. Get creative with your Halloween projects and let your imagination run wild, from creating costumes to carving pumpkins. What can your talents achieve today, Scorpio?

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