Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Nov 27, 2023 – Dec 3, 2023 – You’re ending November on a hot and heavy note during the Gemini full moon in your intimacy zone on Monday. This is a great time to share the private details of your life with someone you trust and develop a closer bond. Sharing is caring, Scorpio, so give them your all. It could change your life.

Your charms are on full blast during the first half of December when Mercury enters Capricorn and your communication zone on Friday. It’ll be easy to socialize and chat with almost anyone, so use all your best jokes at the holiday parties. Use this time to solve minor problems, but save the stickier stuff for 2024.

However, try to play it cool when Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. Coming on too strong with your trust or giving away your feelings too quickly can backfire. Don’t cling!

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