Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

The love doctor is in! Your personal magnetism is headed off the charts this Monday, December 4, as vixen Venus vamps into Scorpio and first house of style and identity until December 29. The past few weeks may have had you in low-power mode with the passionate planet holed up in your uber-private twelfth house. But starting on Monday, it’s gonna be unfiltered YOU, 24/7! If you’re single, this is your annual three-week red-carpet romp, when all eyes will be on you and you’ll attract suitors like moths to a tiki torch. One caveat: Make sure you know what you want because under this hypnotic transit, you CAN manifest it! Even if you’re attached, you can enjoy the flood of flirty vibes—just know where your “line in the sand” is and do not cross it! Go ahead and have your fun, but when your ego tanks are full, bring that lovin’ feeling back home to bae. Go a little over the top in showing your appreciation for all their kindnesses. And tuck a few sexy tricks up your sleeve to keep things interesting! With serious Saturn supporting Venus on Tuesday—along with a balancing quarter moon in Virgo—couples could take a major step, and singles could meet someone worth investing in!

It’s a week of amazing amorous news for Scorpios, so get ready for a little sizzling seduction on Wednesday! Fantasy-fueled Neptune completes its annual five-month retrograde romp and gets back into forward motion in dreamy Pisces and your fifth house of passion. If you’re dating, you should leave your cynicism at the door and let yourself believe in magic. Okay, maybe you can’t make a BMW appear in your driveway, but you CAN be swept off your feet—by a real-deal person with keeper potential. While we don’t associate Neptune with sober reality checks, it is the planet of mystical moments, and if things do pan out, there’ll be plenty of time for due diligence later. For the moment, open your heart to someone who might be wildly “off-type” for you—in wildly unimaginable ways! If you’re in an LTR but miss the spontaneous fun you used to enjoy, take the lead. Protracted discussions will kill the very passion you’re hoping to revive, so stop talking and start doing!

But don’t overlook any red flags or old arguments that never seem to get resolved. On Saturday, idealistic Venus, in your first house of self, slams into a tense opposition with candid Jupiter in your partnership zone. Off go the kid gloves and rose-colored glasses; suddenly you’re both aiming for the jugular. But that’s not necessary, Scorpio! Before someone says (or does) something regrettable, call a timeout. And sorry, no, you can’t sweep anything else under the carpet! It’s time to get real—while staying kind. It may be uncomfortable to broach THAT subject, but once you rip off the Band-Aid, you’ll feel instant relief. Just manage your expectations and you won’t be disappointed. People can only be how they are, and you have the right to accept them as they are—or move on.

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